Bericht: head with ex exp, corr mussle and stop, ex clean eyes, chest in develpment, ex
coat texture, corr strong bones, moves with ex reach and drive, lovely temp
Bericht: maskulin corr strong head, ex exp, well developed ribcage, corr neck and
topline, corr strong bones, ex coat texture, moves with ex reach and drive, gets
a lot of power from hind quarters, lovely temp
Bericht: ex type, beautiful corr head, ex mussle, corr stop, ex body prop, ex coat
texture, corr strong bone, moves free, a bit narrow behind, lovely temp
Bericht: ex type, bautifull head and exp, corr stop, ex eye, ex neck and corr topline,
corr coat texture, needs a bit more substans, very typ, moves with corr long
steps, lovely temp
Bericht: maskuline strong head, corr exp, ex neck and topline, corr well developed
ribcage, ex coat texture and condition, well developed front, corr angulation
behind, lovely temper, moves a bit subborn today
Bericht: beautiful corr feminin head, ex exp, ex neck, corr topline, ex coat texture,
feminin corr strong bones, ex ang in front and behind, corr mov lovely temp
Bericht: feminin head and exp, corr strong neck, stabil topline, elbows a bit loose,
chest could be a bit deeper, corr coat texture, moves light and free, front a
bit loose in mov, lovely temp